This was one of the coolest jobs I was lucky enough to work on — I was the editor and co-art director for the opening sequence of Godzilla vs Kong, as well as the in-movie commercial for the villainous company Apex Cybernetics.

The title sequence was definitely a stylistic tightrope walk: a multi-media montage that explains some important monster history, calls back to the look of the earlier films in the series while reflecting this film’s more futuristic style, and becomes a Wrestlemania-style hype reel (and briefly, a literal tournament bracket) about the two most iconic giant monsters going head-to-head. It was a lot of fun.

Having edited several corporate commercials before this and being a huge comedy fan, getting to work on the tongue-in-cheek “commercial for a villainous robotics company” was a dream-come-true. Because it occurs fairly early in the movie, we had to keep both the parody and the “evil” somewhat subtle, so it was an exciting challenge to think of corporate commercial tropes, execute them as convincingly and cinematically as possible, and add a sneaky, evil twist.

Produced at yU+co

Garson Yu: Creative Director
Carol Wong: SVP/Executive Producer
Ryan “Reno” Robertson: Executive Producer
James Robertson: Art Director
Sam Schlenker: Art Director // Editor
Rick Spitznass: Writer // Researcher
Edwin Baker: Designer
Grace Kang: Designer
Lydia Kim: Designer
Brown Yoon: Designer
Mulan Leong-Suzuki: Graphic Designer
Dasha Bough: Illustrator
Gregory Jones: Technical Director/Lead Compositor
Cullen Parr: 2D/3D Designer/Animator
Jeffrey Dietrich: 2D/3D Designer/Animator
Yuee Seo: 2D Designer/Animator
Julius Lee: 3D Artist